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wrap: Send a more clear warning when attempting to bind /usr/* dirs

Ludovico de Nittis requested to merge wip/usr_warning into master
  • glib-backports-internal: Backport g_warning_once from glib:

    This is useful when we want to log a warning message without spamming the same message over and over.

  • wrap: Send a more clear warning when attempting to bind /usr/* dirs:

    pressure-vessel doesn't support having the Steam Library under /usr.

    When this happens, pressure-vessel fails without a clear indication of what went wrong. For this reason we add a warning message to point out that pressure-vessel was asked to bind a directory that will not appear in the resulting container.

    Helps: Helps: #30 (moved)

I used g_warning_once because if the Steam Library is located under /usr/, multiple Steam environment variables will point to a path that starts with /usr/, e.g. STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH, STEAM_COMPAT_INSTALL_PATH and STEAM_COMPAT_LIBRARY_PATHS. And then usually we attempt it twice, once for the setup phase and once for the actual game.

Edited by Ludovico de Nittis

Merge request reports