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steam-runtime-tools v0.20231128.0

  * pressure-vessel:
    - Log a warning if we can't set up /etc/timezone
    - If emitting debug messages, include the full contents of the new (steamrt/tasks#357, steam-runtime#630)
    - Make SRT_LOG=debug activate extra output.
      Previously, only --verbose or PRESSURE_VESSEL_VERBOSE would have
      activated this.
    - Better compatibility with very old CPUs, especially when using VDPAU,
      if the host OS has a supported expansion of ${LIB}
      + Affected Intel CPUs are older than "Haswell" (2013)
      + Affected AMD CPUs are older than "Excavator" (2015)
      + Systems where this works are those that use multiarch
        (Debian/Ubuntu or Flatpak), FHS multilib (Red Hat, etc.) or
        Arch Linux's multilib variant. Other systems where ${LIB} expands
        to distinct values for 32- and 64-bit x86 can easily be added to
        this mechanism if their users open an issue with the details.
    - Better compatibility with FEX-Emu, especially when using VDPAU
    - pv-verify: New tool to verify a directory against a mtree(5) manifest
    - Refactoring
  * Diagnostic tools:
    - Improve performance of steam-runtime-system-info, especially when
      running under FEX-Emu emulation (steam-runtime-tools#88)
    - Stop relying on ability to run timeout(1), which might improve
      compatibility with some sandboxed or limited environments
    - Resync wflinfo implementation with waffle 1.8.0
  * Steam Linux Runtime depots:
    - In usr-mtree.txt.gz, only put permissions in mode=, not all of st_mode,
      matching bsdtar(1) and mtree(8)
    - In usr-mtree.txt.gz, truncate fractional seconds to ".0" if zero
    - Add a top-level mtree manifest for the depot as a whole.
      In SLR 2.0 (soldier) and 3.0 (sniper), after pressure-vessel has been
      updated to a suitable version, it will be possible to verify the
      depot against its manifest by running a command like:
      In SLR 1.0 (scout) the equivalent is:
        /path/to/SteamLinuxRuntime_soldier/pressure-vessel/bin/pv-verify \
  * Library code:
    - Refactor helper subprocess launching
    - Make execution environment for helper subprocesses more consistent
  * Tests:
    - Make the pv-adverb test coverage more realistic
    - When using valgrind, don't show reachable objects by default
    - Fix a minor memory leak in check-xdg-portal (not significant during
      production use since this is not a long-lived process)
    - Stop diagnosing memory leaks in wflinfo (not significant during
      production use since this is not a long-lived process)