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steam-runtime-tools v0.20231013.0

  * pressure-vessel:
    - Add more entries to the list of NVIDIA driver libraries,
      notably libnvidia-gpucomp. Thanks to Daniel Dadap (steamrt/tasks#340)
    - pv-runtime: Duplicate symlinks in /etc, /var into the FEX-Emu
      interpreter root, fixing incorrect /etc/os-release under FEX-Emu
    - pv-adverb: Reduce environment variables, etc. to debug level.
      This reduces noise when redirecting to the systemd Journal.
    - pv-runtime: Use a closer match for 99-pulseaudio-default.conf
      when the host system uses PulseAudio.
      Thanks to Nozomi Miyamori (steam-runtime#623)
    - pv-runtime: Show warnings if unable to load drivers/layers
  * Reduce profiling messages to debug level unless SRT_LOG=timing.
    This reduces noise when redirecting to the systemd Journal.
  * build:
    - Quote clang, clang++ commands correctly
    - Fix generation of timestamp for scout-on-soldier at merge commits
    - debian: Work around Debian#1053836
  * tests: Silence valgrind false-positives for one-per-process allocations