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steam-runtime-tools v0.20230928.1

  * Hotfix for versions >= 0.20230919.0
  * pv-runtime: Deduplicate Vulkan drivers, etc. by their manifest content.
    When using Flatpak with the Nvidia drivers, we see two identical
    sets of manifests: they are intended to describe the x86_64 and i386
    drivers, but each one is equally valid to load the other, resulting in
    the same driver being loaded twice.
    Some games like Red Dead Redemption 2 and The Elder Scrolls Online
    have been reported to crash when this happens.
    Until 0.20230919.0, this was accidentally mitigated by
    steam-runtime-tools#124, but fixing that bug exposed the crashes.
    Avoid this by not making JSON manifests available in the container if
    they are a byte-for-byte duplicate of a manifest we already processed.
    (Regression in 0.20230919.0; steam-runtime#624)
  * tests: Stop assuming libcrypt will be pulled into a scout container.
    (Regression in 0.20230928.0)