Draft: pv-runtime: Don't import libnvidia-pkcs11* into the container
pv-runtime: Don't import libnvidia-pkcs11* into the container
These pull in OpenSSL 1.1 or 3.0 as a dependency, which could potentially collide with a statically-linked OpenSSL in games or Steam components. This is one theory for a possible root cause in https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux/issues/10431.
According to https://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/535.113.01/README/installedcomponents.html this library is used "when the GPU and driver are operating in Confidential Compute mode", which is presumably something that would normally be done in data-centre/GPGPU applications rather than in a game.
This partially reverts commit 2f572bd8 "pv-runtime: Import more Nvidia driver files into the container" (first released in v0.20231013.0, steamrt/tasks#340).
I don't know whether this is going to help, but it's worth a try...
/cc @denittis