{{- $apt_debug := or .apt_debug "" -}}
{{- $architecture := or .architecture "amd64" -}}
{{- $suite := or .suite "stretch" -}}
{{- $flatpak_arch := or .flatpak_arch $architecture -}}
{{- $packages := or .packages "" -}}
{{- $post_script := or .post_script "" -}}
{{- $sdk := or .sdk "" -}}
{{- $sdk_packages := or .sdk_packages "" -}}
{{- $sdk_post_script := or .sdk_post_script "" -}}
{{- $platform_post_script := or .platform_post_script "" -}}
{{- $strip_source_version_suffix := or .strip_source_version_suffix "" -}}
{{- $version := or .version "0" -}}
{{- $ospack := or .ospack (printf "base_%s_%s_%s.tar.gz" $suite $version $architecture) -}}
{{- $runtime := .runtime -}}
{{- $runtime_branch := or .runtime_branch "master" -}}
{{- $ostree_tarball := or .ostree_tarball (printf "ostree_%s_%s_%s.tar.gz" $runtime $flatpak_arch $runtime_branch) -}}
{{- $manifest_prefix := or .manifest_prefix (printf "ostree_%s_%s_%s" $runtime $flatpak_arch $runtime_branch) -}}
{{- $sources_tarball := or .sources_tarball (printf "sources_%s_%s_%s.tar.gz" $runtime $flatpak_arch $runtime_branch) -}}
{{- $repo := or .repo "repo" -}}
architecture: {{ $architecture }}
- action: unpack
compression: gz
file: {{ $ospack }}
# TODO: This duplicates what we should have done in debos-base.yaml
- action: run
chroot: false
command: '"$RECIPEDIR/disable-services" "$ROOTDIR"'
# TODO: This duplicates what we should have done in debos-base.yaml
- action: run
chroot: false
command: '"$RECIPEDIR/clean-up-base" "$ROOTDIR"'
- action: run
chroot: false
command: '"$RECIPEDIR/prepare-runtime" "$ROOTDIR"'
{{ if $packages }}
{{ if $apt_debug }}
- action: run
chroot: false
command: $RECIPEDIR/apt-install "$ROOTDIR" "$RECIPEDIR/runtimes/{{ $runtime }}/packages.yaml"
{{ else }}
- action: apt
recommends: false
packages: {{ $packages }}
{{ end }}
# TODO: Everything before this step is common to the Platform and SDK
# We do this as a separate step in case it involves removing any
# of the common packages
{{ if and $sdk $sdk_packages }}
{{ if $apt_debug }}
- action: run
chroot: false
command: $RECIPEDIR/apt-install "$ROOTDIR" "$RECIPEDIR/runtimes/{{ $runtime }}/sdk_packages.yaml"
{{ else }}
- action: apt
recommends: false
packages: {{ $sdk_packages }}
{{ end }}
chroot: false
command: '"$RECIPEDIR/platformize" "$ROOTDIR"'
{{ end }}
chroot: false
command: '"$RECIPEDIR/purge-conffiles" "$ROOTDIR"'
chroot: true
script: '{{ $post_script }}'
{{ end }}
{{ if $sdk }}
{{ if $sdk_post_script }}
- action: run
chroot: true
script: '{{ $sdk_post_script }}'
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ if $platform_post_script }}
- action: run
chroot: true
script: '{{ $platform_post_script }}'
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
chroot: false
command: '"$RECIPEDIR/purge-conffiles" "$ROOTDIR"'
command: |
"$RECIPEDIR/write-manifest" "$ROOTDIR"
cp "$ROOTDIR/usr/manifest.dpkg" "$ARTIFACTDIR/{{ $manifest_prefix }}.manifest.dpkg"
cp "$ROOTDIR/usr/manifest.dpkg.built-using" "$ARTIFACTDIR/{{ $manifest_prefix }}.manifest.dpkg.built-using"
cp "$ROOTDIR/usr/manifest.deb822.gz" "$ARTIFACTDIR/{{ $manifest_prefix }}.manifest.deb822.gz"
chroot: false
command: 'cp "$RECIPEDIR/manifest.dpkg.platform" "$ROOTDIR/usr"'
- action: run
chroot: false
command: 'cp "$RECIPEDIR/manifest.dpkg.built-using.platform" "$ROOTDIR/usr"'
chroot: false
command: 'cp "$RECIPEDIR/manifest.platform.deb822.gz" "$ROOTDIR/usr"'
chroot: false
command: '"$RECIPEDIR/collect-source-code" --strip-source-version-suffix="{{ $strip_source_version_suffix }}" "$ROOTDIR"'
{{ else }}
- action: run
chroot: false
command: 'cp "$ROOTDIR/usr/manifest.dpkg" "$RECIPEDIR/manifest.dpkg.platform"'
- action: run
chroot: false
command: 'cp "$ROOTDIR/usr/manifest.dpkg.built-using" "$RECIPEDIR/manifest.dpkg.built-using.platform"'
chroot: false
command: 'mv "$ROOTDIR/usr/manifest.deb822.gz" "$RECIPEDIR/manifest.platform.deb822.gz"'
chroot: true
command: 'dpkg --purge --force-remove-essential --force-depends dpkg'
{{ end }}
- action: run
chroot: true
script: hard-link-alternatives
- action: run
chroot: false
command: '"$RECIPEDIR/usrmerge" "$ROOTDIR"'
- action: run
chroot: true
script: put-ldconfig-in-path
{{ if $sdk }}
- action: run
chroot: false
command: '"$RECIPEDIR/make-flatpak-friendly" --sdk "$ROOTDIR"'
{{ else }}
- action: run
chroot: false
command: '"$RECIPEDIR/make-flatpak-friendly" "$ROOTDIR"'
{{ end }}
# TODO: Move lib/debug, zoneinfo, locales into extensions
# TODO: Hook point for GL, instead of just Mesa
# TODO: GStreamer extension
# TODO: Icon theme, Gtk theme extension
# TODO: VAAPI extension
# TODO: SDK extension
# TODO: ca-certificates extension to get newer certs?
- action: run
chroot: false
command: 'install -d "$ROOTDIR/ostree/main"'
- action: run
chroot: false
command: 'mv "$ROOTDIR/usr" "$ROOTDIR/ostree/main/files"'
- action: overlay
source: runtimes/{{ $runtime }}/overlay
- action: run
chroot: false
command: 'tar -zcf "$ARTIFACTDIR/{{ $ostree_tarball }}" -C "$ROOTDIR/ostree/main" files metadata'
{{ if $sdk }}
- action: run
chroot: false
command: 'tar -zcf "$ARTIFACTDIR/{{ $sources_tarball }}" -C "$ROOTDIR/ostree/source" .'
{{ end }}