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steam-runtime-tools v0.20240725.0

  [ Simon McVittie ]
  * pressure-vessel:
    - Try to provide /usr/${LIB}/gconv in the container.
      This fixes 64-bit games' use of iconv, and therefore indirectly
      Easy Anti-Cheat, on Void Linux
      (steamrt/tasks#477, ValveSoftware/steam-runtime#680)
    - Don't warn if library aliases are missing from secondary
      architectures (steamrt/tasks#367)

  [ Ryan Gonzalez ]
  * srt-logger:
    - Add --parse-level-prefix option to parse systemd-cat-style priority
      level prefixes (steamrt/tasks#444)
    - New --default-level option sets the log priority to be assumed for
      lines that do not have a prefix (or for all lines if
      --parse-level-prefix is not used), defaulting to INFO
    - New --file-level, --journal-level, --terminal-level options limit
      the messages logged to each destination.
      By default all messages go to the log file, and to the Journal
      if used.
      By default messages of INFO level or higher go to the terminal
      (therefore DEBUG messages are excluded).
    - Color messages that are logged to the terminal based on their level,
      similar to journalctl