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steam-runtime-tools v0.20220919.0

  [ Ludovico de Nittis ]
  * pressure-vessel: If using libudev from the host, provide read-only
    access to /run/udev.
    This is sufficient to identify non-hotplugged game controllers in
    games that use libudev directly (older bundled SDL versions, or not
    using SDL at all).
    - Controller hotplug support continues to require using an up-to-date
      version of SDL or Proton.
    - This is not done for older host OSs (Debian 10, Ubuntu 18.04, etc.)
      because on these older OSs we have to use the container's libudev,
      but the host /run/udev is not necessarily compatible with that.
  * tests: Fix test failure with Arch Linux glibc ≥ 2.36-4

  [ Simon McVittie ]
  * pv-runtime: Use host's libudev if equal to or newer than container
    libudev, even if no graphics driver depends on it.
    This makes it more likely that we can parse /run/udev.
  * tests: Fix test failure with latest Steam Runtime 1 'scout' images