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steam-runtime-tools v0.20220908.0

  * libcurl-compat: When building for scout (only), build a shim libcurl
    that can dispatch to runtime or system copies.
    This works around ABI divergence from upstream in the libcurl in
    Debian/Ubuntu between about 2005 and 2018, which unfortunately includes
    the time at which Steam Runtime 1 'scout' started. Additional setup in
    the steam-runtime scripts is necessary to take advantage of this.
  * Documentation updates:
    - compat-tool-interface: Non-Steam launch options can have %command% now
    - launch-client, shared-paths: Remove notes about obsolete versions
    - launch-client: Update release status
    - launch-client: Say where to find it
    - launcher-interface-0: Move example to launch-client
  * Tests:
    - Improve support for using the tests "as-installed" to test a proposed
      Steam Runtime
    - generate-sysroots: Avoid using undefined string escape sequences
    - Generalize TAP test template
  * build-aux: Actually use clang for the build labelled "clang"
  * launch-options: Update for steam-launch-wrapper addition to recent betas