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  • Simon McVittie's avatar
    SLR: Add filter_exclusive property to tool manifests · 6abd28c0
    Simon McVittie authored
    For "pure" container runtimes (soldier, sniper and future branches)
    we set a low priority, so that these container runtimes will be hidden
    from the Steam UI, unless forced via an intentionally undocumented
    developer option. For simplicity, if scout is built as a pure container
    runtime, it gets the same treatment (but in practice we do not generate
    or publish a pure scout runtime any more, because "layered"
    scout-on-soldier turned out to have significantly better compatibility
    with real-world games).
    For "layered" container runtimes (scout-on-soldier, and possibly
    scout-on-sniper in future), we set a higher priority, so that these
    container runtimes will be shown for legacy scout Linux games.
    For games that target a later ABI, such as CS2 targeting sniper, the
    Steam client is expected to overwrite the priority value set here with
    a priority greater than 10, so that the appropriate runtime will be the
    only one that is offered.