flatdeb ======= flatdeb is a proof of concept for building Flatpak runtimes and apps from Debian packages. Walkthrough ----------- On a Debian 10 'buster' machine: apt install \ binutils \ debootstrap \ debos \ flatpak \ flatpak-builder \ ostree \ pigz \ python3 \ python3-debian \ python3-gi \ python3-yaml \ systemd-container \ time \ ${NULL} (Or use Debian 9 'stretch' and get flatpak, flatpak-builder and ostree from stretch-backports, and install [fakemachine](https://github.com/go-debos/fakemachine) and [debos](https://github.com/go-debos/debos) from upstream source code.) Also edit org.debian.packages.openarena.yaml to specify where you have put local clones of ioquake3 and openarena if you can't (or don't want to) clone them via https. You will probably want to use a caching proxy such as apt-cacher-ng to download `.deb` packages, which you can do by prefixing all the commands below with `env http_proxy=` or similar. Finally, put a copy of debian-archive-keyring.gpg in this directory. Then you can run: ./run.py --suite=stretch --arch=amd64 base ./run.py --suite=stretch --arch=amd64 runtimes \ runtimes/net.debian.flatpak.Base.yaml ./run.py --suite=stretch --arch=amd64 runtimes \ runtimes/net.debian.flatpak.Games.yaml ./run.py --suite=stretch --arch=amd64 app \ apps/org.debian.packages.hello.yaml ./run.py --suite=stretch --arch=amd64 app \ apps/org.debian.packages.openarena.yaml ./run.py --suite=stretch --arch=amd64 app \ apps/org.debian.packages.mesa_utils.yaml On the same machine, or a test machine onto which you have copied `$HOME/.cache/flatdeb/repo` with `rsync` or similar: flatpak --user remote-add --no-gpg-verify flatdeb $HOME/.cache/flatdeb/repo flatpak --user install flatdeb org.debian.packages.hello flatpak run org.debian.packages.hello flatpak --user install flatdeb org.debian.packages.openarena flatpak run org.debian.packages.openarena