Proton (soldier) SDK

This project builds Docker images based on
<>, with the addition
of Proton build-dependencies.

This is mostly just a CI script, that clones
<> and builds the same docker
images as what `make protonsdk` does there. It does a bit of magic to
create a set of commands usable by `kaniko` instead of docker, as this
CI runs on Google Compute instances.

To trigger a new build and publish a new image, clone this repository,
update the `PROTON_COMMIT` variable in `.gitlab-ci.yml`, commit, push
and wait.

The image version tag that will be created is the value of the
`PROTONSDK_VERSION` variable in `docker/Makefile` in the `Proton`
source. If an image with the same tag already exists, it will be
overwritten, so make sure to edit this variable to some new value
after a new version has been published.

The SteamRT SDK image version that is used as a base, is defined
using the `STEAMRT_VERSION` variable in the same `Makefile`. The
`PROTONSDK_VERSION` variable is usually a combination of this plus
an additional number, but it's not required to be.