2022-04-06 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20220406.0
	* Fix the UI incorrectly reporting about limited connectivity when sshd hasn't been enabled on the kit yet.

2022-03-18 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Add safety checks and small utility for EV2/DV devices that have not updated to day one OS yet (27.3)
	* Several refactors to cleanup and improve support for Valve-only internal features

2022-03-09 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20220309.1
	* Use the correct execution policy to fix a bug when setting the user password or opening remote shell on Windows

2022-03-04 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20220304.0
	* Add a missing script that was breaking the set password functionality
	* Fix file browsing feature and remove obsolete hardcoded password
	* Improve error handling and diagnostic for interactive shells used for remote shell and setting user password

2022-03-03 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20220303.0
	* Detect is 'deck' user password is set, provide a button to set or change it (opens an interactive terminal)
	* Fix remote shell button broken on some installations (path escaping problems)
	* Improve registration modal error dialog (pending OS update >= 20220301)
	* Update to latest SDL on Windows, fixes a slow startup stall of several seconds

2022-02-24 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20220224.1
	* Add compatibility with new OS releases (>= 20220224.100) - using polkit policies for privileged operations

2022-02-22 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20220222.0
	* Improve connectivity checks when initializing connection with a devkit (was sometimes flagged incorrectly for registration)
	* Install the remote debug tools to Proton 7 and Proton Experimental (was skipping 7)

2022-02-17 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20220217.0
	* Package gpuvis binaries with the windows release again (regressed in recent packaging changes)
	* (Valve only) Improve the side client auto-upload behavior

2022-02-11 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20220211.2
	* Add a 'Browse Device Files' button - install FileZilla to use
	* Add support for the performance overlay: toggle drawing, capture frametime data and download back to the host
	* Improved the launch script on Linux for the Steam release

2022-02-03 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20220203.0
	* (Valve only) retry for roughly 30 seconds to compensate for devkit client being started before the tunnel is up
	* (Valve only) no longer auto-uploading the side-loaded steam client when the device is running OS client as this was causing confusion.
	* Improve the Steam client arguments management in the Devkits window: better refresh currently active args, track local edits ('dirty' state).
	* Improve clarity of the status window output. Debug level logging was still printing without the --verbose flag (fixed).

2022-01-13 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20220113.0
	* more fixes to the remote shell code on windows, some setups regressed in the previous release
	* Release v0.20220112.0
	* the remote shell open is failing on some windows systems, made changes to improve the reliability.
	* (Valve only) aggressively sync the filesystem when configuring a side loaded Steam client, possibly fixing a boot loop situation.

2022-01-07 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20220107.0
	* add some important files missed in yesterday's release

2022-01-06 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20220106.0
	* improve error feedback - client now propagates more errors into UI popups
	* make the 'Device Logs' display more robust to malformed output
	* several internal refactors to improve speed, reliability and support new features

2021-12-16 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20211216.0
	* support new gamescope png screenshots.
	* add a 'verify checksums' option to title uploads. This recovers rare cases of content corruption that size+modtime checks do not address.

2021-12-10 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20211210.0
	* New remote debug features: requires fully updated system and latest Proton Experimental
	* Added support for Visual Studio 2017 remote debug (2019/2017 selectable in UI)
	* Added support for "attach before startup" remote debugging
	  see https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/steamdeck/devkits/debugging
	* bug fix : modifications to the filter patterns in one title were affecting other titles
	* auto upload will run even if the title is not currently selected in the UI

2021-12-08 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20211208.0
	* Repackage yesterday's release with build system fixes to address some internal changes

2021-12-07 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20211207.0
	* Improve delete titles functionality, remove titles from the Steam client library
	* Update the Proton patch for remote debug setup to match latest

2021-12-02 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20211202.0
	* Fix gpu-trace capture support for latest images, update bundles gpuvis on Windows

2021-11-25 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20211125.0
	* Add support for new Jupiter OS image 1122.x

2021-11-22 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20211122.1
	* Add support for new Jupiter OS image 1120.x

2021-11-17 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20211117.0
	* Update the remote debugger setup strategy (new patch)
	* Internal refactoring to prepare for new remote debugging features

2021-11-16 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20211116.0
	* Show CEF console button whenever a side loaded Steam client is on the device (Valve specific)

2021-11-10 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20211110.0
	* Fix 'Start Visual Studio C++ debugger service on launch' to work against the latest 'Proton - Experimental' release
		note: make sure that 'Proton - Experimental' is updated to latest in order to use the feature
		older versions of experimental, and stable Proton branches are no longer supported

2021-11-08 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20211108.2
	* Fix bug in the new 'include only' filtering option. It is now possible to include entire subdirectories and match individual files in subdirectories.
	* The third 'rsync' filtering option now takes a list of rsync arguments directly, with no processing. This enables additional options such as --copy-links etc.

2021-11-05 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20211105.0
	* Add support for cancelling title uploads
	* New upload filtering, three options:
	- use a list of exclude patterns (matches previous implementation)
	- use a list of only include patterns
	- use full rsync --filter capabilities (advanced users)

2021-10-27 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20211027.0
	* Test and fix feature compatibility with other OSes than Deck/Jupiter

2021-10-25 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20211025.0
	* Show OS build next to device names
	* Fix failing to pull status from kits
	* Add a warning when detecting a device on the guest network (Valve specific)

2021-10-22 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20211022.1
	* Fix gamescope/desktop session detection logic
	* Improve the ssh/http service connectivity checks against discovered devices
	* Add support for pairing against devices that do not enable sshd by default (OS images 20211022 or newer)

2021-10-20 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20211020.1
	* Fixed: some files had timestamps several hours in the future out of the CI system, causing problems with --update uploads.
	* Bundle gpuvis.exe on Windows. Trace capture requires Jupiter OS image >= 20211014.2
	* Turn off wireless power management when connected to a devkit to reduce latency in remote debug and remote ssh commands

2021-10-08 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20211008.0
	* side-loaded Steam client can be started under gdbserver via a checkbox, simplifying the previous flow
	* the command line for the side-loaded Steam client can be edited in the Devkits window, improving the UX consistency

2021-10-05 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20211005.0
	* Fix 'Remote Shell' not working on some Windows hosts (cause by "C:\Program Files (x86)" install paths and similar)

2021-09-27 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20210927.0
	* Add an option in the delete tool to reset the Steam client and all downloaded content:
	  This will recover from disk full situations and a few related problems causing the Steam client to fail in a loop during startup
	* Release v0.20210924.0
	* Add support for deleting uploaded titles, individually or in bulk
	* Add support for retrieving controller configuration (requires Steam client 1632434294 or newer)
	* Pull and display Steam client version
	* Misc changes to the layout, improving the flow when adding by IP and managing kits not registered
	* Fix failing to switch the OS client to dev mode with logging if no titles had been uploaded yet
	* Fix an instance of the process lingering after closing the main window on Windows systems

2021-09-17 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20210917.0
	* Download minidump directory from device when syncing logs

2021-09-01 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20210903.1
	* Fix side-loaded Steam client exclude patterns so some important files for Steam Play are correctly included
	* Release v0.20210903.0
	* Fix msvsmon uploads to include webservices.dll from the systems folder, fixes a Proton bug
	* Make 'OS Client in dev mode' verbose the current branch in the same way 'OS client' does
	* Add /silent to the msvsmon option to avoid the window being in the foreground

2021-09-01 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20210901.0
	* Only show the 'CEF console' when CEF debugging is enabled (for clarity, the feature is only used by Valve's Steam developers)
	* Add a new 'OS client dev mode': changing the Steam command line and capturing Steam + launched title logs
	* Additional fixes to disable proxy when talking to devkits
	* Force 'steam' title name to be all lowercase - avoids a variety of bugs in the side-loaded Steam client support
	* The command line interface was removed from the package, only the GUI version of the tool is available until the CLI functionality can be revised

2021-08-25 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20210825.0
	* Persist and reconnect devkits added by IP
	* Add a new --logfile option to devkit-gui.exe to write out a log file for debugging purposes
	* Fix devkit-gui.exe process not exiting after the window is closed
	* Improve robustness when opening the SDL GL window

2021-08-24 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20210824.0
	* Reduce spam in the Status window, reduce runaway socket usage caused by zeroconf
	* Handle Windows systems with no USERNAME environment variable
	* Force a write of settings to disk when saving configs

2021-08-17 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20210817.0
	* Fix command windows popping up when executing sub processes on Windows hosts
	* Improve insufficient network connectivity checks and reporting
	* Add support for portforwarded devkits using a 32001 http port (Windows hosts only)

2021-08-10 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20210810.0
	* Remote debugger binaries are now searched for and copied from the local Windows host system
		the tool will deploy both Visual Studio 2017 and 2019 remote debug binaries
	* Support auto-upload of a title based on build success triggers received over the rest API
	* Support for devkit registration UI prompts coming soon to the Steam client
	* Cleanup: unify how the Steam client gets restarted, via the SDDM restart only now

2021-07-22 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20210722.0
	* Add a status reading of graphics session and Steam client state
	* Refactor side-loaded Steam client management
	* Add support for graphics session gamescope/plasma toggle

2021-07-15 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20210715.0
	* Improve filter and command line defaults for side loaded steam client support

2021-07-09 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20210709.0
	* Improve perf tracing support for GPU captures

2021-07-05 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20210705.0
	* Add support for Radeon GPU Profiler captures
	* WIP to support perf event tracing alongside the GPU capture
	* Add screenshot support
	* Add a flag to control remote debug of Steam Play titles
	* Improve terminal selection for remote SSH

2021-06-10 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20211006.2
	* Fix reports of "Could not create directory '/home/<user>/.ssh'" in the Windows version

2021-05-04 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Improve 'Upload Title' panel with save/restore of configs

2021-01-22 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20210122.0
	* Add support for a 'Steam Play' flag

2021-01-19 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20210119.0
	* Add a cli/gui support for opening a ssh shell to a registered devkit
	* Update pyimgui to v1.79 branch (https://github.com/swistakm/pyimgui/pull/192)

2020-12-02 Timothee Besset <ttimo@valvesoftware.com>

	* Release v0.20201202.0
	* Ignore proxy environment variables: fixes various 'kit not responding' situations.
	* Bundle a modified zeroconf module: fixes zeroconf spam on Windows
	* Reduced GL requirements: fixes the gui to work in an ubuntu 20 Hyper-V VM
	* Fix bad UX of the various tool windows and their toolbar buttons
	* Fix auto-resize and general behavior of modal dialogs
	* Switch modal dialogs and console window to selectable text
	* Improve error reporting of devkit registration
	* Disable toolbar buttons that require an active devkit when no kit is selected
	* Fix Windows version only showing warning and higher log messages in console
	* Display the IP for all devkits
	* Support adding a devkit by IP address when not found via multicast DNS

	* Known issues:
	** Slow tasks running under the 'please wait' modal dialog can't be aborted.
	workaround: to abort a lengthy title upload, kill rsync.exe via task manager.
	** If commands fail on the devkit side, the error reporting is unclear and difficult to diagnose.
	** The sync logs tool window is not very usable.
	** The kits window and UX for operations on kits still needs improvement.
	** No persistence for kits added by address between runs.